Guest Editorships
- Thomas Swerts and Walter J. Nicholls (2021). Undocumented Immigrant Activism and the Political. Antipode.
- Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark (2016). Planning-Resistance. Urban Geography.
- Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark (2016). Migrant Cities. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (6).
- Walter J. Nicholls, Byron Miller, and Justin Beaumont (2013). Cities, Spatialities, and Politicization. Urban Geography, 34 (4).
- Justus Uitermark, Walter J. Nicholls, and Maarten Loopmans (2012). Cities and Social Movements. Environment and Planning A, 44 (11).
- Justin Beaumont and Walter J. Nicholls (2008). Plural Governance, Participation, and Democracy in Cities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 32 (1).
- Walter J. Nicholls and Justin Beaumont (2007). Investigating the Geographies of Justice Movements. Environment Planning A, 39 (11).
- Walter J. Nicholls and Justin Beaumont (2004). The Urbanization of Justice Movements? Theories and Evidence. Space and Politics, 8 (2).
You can access these articles through my Google Scholar site: Link.
Tara Fiorito and Walter Nicholls (equal authorship, authors listed in alphabetical order) (2023). Representational Hierarchies in Social Movements: A Case Study of the Undocumented Immigrant Youth Movement. American Journal of Sociology, 129(2): 485-529.
Walter J. Nicholls and Ashley Hernandez (2023). The Contradictory Field of Community Organizing in the United States: A Theoretical Framework. Planning Theory.
Susan Coutin and Walter J. Nicholls (2023). Adminigration: City-level Governance of Immigrant Community Members. Journal of Law and Social Inquiry, 1-30.
Walter J. Nicholls and Marieke de Wilde (2023). Contentious immigration politics in a multijurisdictional field: A case study of Orange County, California. Political Geography, 100: 2-14.
Sander van Haperen, Justus Uitermark, and Walter J. Nicholls (2023). The Swarm versus the Grassroots: Places and Networks of Supporters and Opponents of Black Lives Matter on Twitter. Social Movement Studies, 22(2): 171-189.
Marieke de Wilde and Walter J. Nicholls (equal authorship, authors listed in alphabetical order) (2021). Municipal Institutions and Local Policy Responses to Immigrants: A Case Study Day Laborers in California. Territory Politics Governance.
Walter J. Nicholls, Justus Uitermark, and Sander van Haperen (2021). Dynamics of Distinction and Solidarity: Explaining Relations Between Privileged and Underprivileged Groups in the U.S. Immigrant Rights Movement. Sociological Perspectives, 64(6): 1104-1121.
Walter J. Nicholls (2021). The Geography of Political Subject Formation: The Case of the Undocumented Immigrant Youth Movement. Antipode, 52(2): 465-485.
Thomas Swerts and Walter J. Nicholls (2021). Undocumented immigrant activism and the political: disrupting the order or reproducing the status quo? Antipode, 52(2): 319-330.
Walter J. Nicholls, Davide Gnes, and Floris Vermeulen (2021). Local Path Dependency and Scale Shift in Social Movements: The Case of the Immigrant Rights Movement. Geographical Review, 111(2): 269-286.
Walter J. Nicholls, Cecilia Menjívar, and Daniel Alvord (2021). ‘No Tyson in Tongie!’: The Battle to Protect a Rural Way of Life in Kansas. Sociological Forum, 36(1): 29-50.
Marieke de Wilde and Walter J. Nicholls (2021). Suburban Battles over Immigration: A Case Study of Local Day Laborer Policies. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(16): 44-62.
Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark (2021). A virtuous nation and its deserving immigrants. How the immigrant rights movement embraced nationalism. Social Movement Studies, 20(4): 381-398.
Walter J. Nicholls (2020). The Dark Side of Immigrant Integration Policies: The Case of Day Laborers in the United States. Social Problems, 67 (3): 437–451.
Walter J. Nicholls, Justus Uitermark, and Sander van Haperen (2020). Going National: How the Fight for Immigrant Rights Became a National Social Movement. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(4): 705-727.
Allison Laskey and Walter J. Nicholls (2019). Jumping off the Ladder: Participation and Insurgency in Detroit’s Urban Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 85(3): 348-362.
- Reprinted in Carissa Schiverly Slotterback and Mickey Lauria (eds.) (2020). Learning from Arnstein’s Ladder: From Civic Participation to Public Engagement. New York Taylor and Francis.
Van Haperen, Sander, Walter J. Nicholls, and Justus Uitermark (2018). Building Protest Online: Engagement with the Digitally Networked #not1more Protest Campaign on Twitter. Social Movement Studies, 2837:1–16.
Justus Uitermark and Walter J. Nicholls (2017). Planning for social justice: Strategies, dilemmas, and tradeoffs, Planning Theory, 16(1): 32–50.
Walter J. Nicholls (2016). Politicizing Undocumented Immigrants One Corner at a Time: Day Laborers and the Urban Roots of the Immigrant Rights Movement. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 40 (2): 299-320.
Walter J. Nicholls, Marcel Maussen, and Laura Mesquita (2016). The Politics of ‘Deservingness’: Comparing Youth-Centered Immigrant Mobilizations in the Netherlands and the United States. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(13): 1590–1612.
Tara Fiorito and Walter J. Nicholls (2016). Silencing as Voice Making: Backstage Methods to Produce a Public Voice for Immigrant Activists. Qualitative Sociology, 39 (3): 287–308.
Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark (2016). Planning/Resistance, Urban Geography, 38 (4): 512-520.
Walter J. Nicholls (2016). Producing-resisting national borders in the United States, France and the Netherlands, Political Geography, (55) 1: 43-52.
Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark (2016). Migrant Cities: Place, Power, and Voice in the Era of Super Diversity, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (6): 877-892.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2015). Policing Immigrants as Politicizing Immigration: The Paradox of Border Enforcement. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14(2), 512-521.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Fiorito, Tara (2015). Dreamers Unbound: Immigrant Youth Mobilizing. New Labor Forum, 24, 76-85.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2014). From Political Opportunities to Niche-Openings: The Dilemmas of Mobilizing for Immigrant Rights in Inhospitable Environments. Theory and Society, 43(1), 23-49.
Uitermark, Justus, & Nicholls, Walter J. (2014). From Politicization to Policing: The rise and decline of immigrant social movements in Amsterdam and Paris.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2014). Between Punishment and Discipline: Government Strategies to Control Undocumented Immigrants. Citizenship Studies, 18(6-7), 579-599.
Van Schipstal, Inge, & Nicholls, Walter J. (2014). Rights to the ‘Creative’ City: The Case of Squatters in Berlin. Territory, Politics, Governance, 2(2), 173-193.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2013). Making Undocumented Immigrants into Legitimate Political Subjects: A Comparison of France and the United States. Theory, Culture and Society, 30(3), 82-107.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2013). Fragmenting Citizenship: Dynamics of Cooperation and Conflict in France’s Immigrant Rights Movement. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(4), 611-631.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Uitermark, Justus (2013). Post-Multicultural Cities: A Comparison of Minority Politics in Amsterdam and Los Angeles, 1970–2010. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(10), 1555-1575.
Miller, Byron, & Nicholls, Walter J. (2013). Social Movements in Urban Society: The City as a Space of Politicization. Urban Geography, 34(4), 452-473.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2012). Immigration and Citizenship Regimes: The Case of France, 1950s–1990s. Citizenship Studies, 16(3-4), 511-530.
Arampatzi, Athina, & Nicholls, Walter J. (2012). The Urban Basis of Greece’s anti-Neoliberal Movement. Environment and Planning A, 44(11), 2591-2610.
- Uitermark, Justus, Nicholls, Walter J., & Loopmans, Maarten (2012). A Relational Approach to Cities and Social Movements: Theorizing beyond Rights to the City.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2011). Cities and the unevenness of social movement space: the case of France’s immigrant rights movement. Environment and Planning A, 43(7), 1655-1673.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2011). The Los Angeles School: Difference, Politics, City. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35(1), 189-206.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2009). Place, Relations, Networks: The Geographical Foundations of Social Movements. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34(1), 78-93.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2008). The Urban Question Revisited: The Importance of Cities for Social Movements. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 32(4), 1468-2427.
- Nicholls, Walter J., & Beaumont, Justin (2007). Between Relationality and Territoriality: Investigating the Geographies of Justice Movements in The Netherlands and the United States. Environment and Planning A, 39(11), 2554-2574.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Beaumont, Justin (2007). An Introduction to the Geographies of Social Justice Movements. Environment and Planning A, 39(11), 2549-2553.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2006). Associationalism from Above: Explaining Failure in the Case of France’s La Politique de la Ville. Urban Studies, 43(10), 1779-1802.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2006). Between Growth and Exclusion in Technopolis: Managing Inequalities in Toulouse, France. City and Community, 5(3), 319-345.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2006). Power to the Periphery: Suburban Empowerment in Toulouse, France. Environment and Planning A, 38(9), 1715-1737.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2005). Power and Governance: Metropolitan Governance in Contemporary France. Urban Studies, 42(4), 783-800.
- Nicholls, Walter J., & Beaumont, Justin (2004). The Urbanization of Justice Movements? Possibilities and Constraints for the City as a Space of Contentious Politics. Space and Polity, 8(2), 119-135.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Beaumont, Justin (2004). Guest Editorial: The Urbanization of Justice Movements. Space and Polity, 8(2), 107-117.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2003). Poverty Regimes as Constraints on Urban Democratic Politics? Lessons from Toulouse, France. European Urban and Regional Studies, 10(4), 359-372.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2003). Forging a ‘New’ Organizational Infrastructure for Los Angeles’s Progressive Community. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27(4), 881-96.
Papers Under Review
Nicholls, Walter J. Citizenship Contests through the Municipal Bureaucracy: A Case Study of a Sanctuary City Campaign in Mayville, California.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Baran, Ian. Municipal Bureaucrats as Insurgent Political Subjects: A Theoretical Framework.
De Wilde, Marieke, Nicholls, Walter J., & Vermeulen, Floris. Inverted Social Movements: Pro- and Anti-Immigrant Mobilizations in Orange County, California.
Book Chapters
Nicholls, Walter J., & Jain, Amrita (2024). Comparing Urban Social Movements. In J. Robinson & P. Le Galès (Eds.), Handbook of Comparative Urban Studies. New York: Routledge.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Zayda (2023). Undocumented Immigrant Activism: The Struggle for Rights and Recognition. In I. van Liempt, J. Schapendonk, & A. Campos-Delgado (Eds.), Critical Handbook on Irregular Migration. New York: Routledge.
- Nicholls, Walter J., & Uitermark, Justus (2017). Counter Publics and Counter Space. In U. Rossi & T. Enright (Eds.), The Urban Political. London: Palgrave.
- Nicholls, Walter J., & Uitermark, Justus (2015). Giving Voice: The Ambivalent Roles of Specific Intellectuals in Immigrant and LGBT Movements. In J. Jasper & J.W. Duyvendak (Eds.), Players and Arenas: The Interactive Dynamics of Protest. Amsterdam University Press.
Nicholls, Walter J., & Uitermark, Justus (2015). Wildfire Movements Crashing on the Local Trenches: A Comparison of Occupy Los Angeles and Occupy Amsterdam. In N. Konak & R. Özgür Dönmez (Eds.), Waves of Social Movement Mobilizations in the Twenty-First Century. Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: Rowman and Littlefield.
Nicholls, Walter J. (2013). Voice and Power: The Case of the Undocumented Youth Movement in the United States. In C. Menjívar & D. Kanstroom (Eds.), Constructing Illegality in America: Immigrant Experiences, Critiques, and Resistances. Cambridge University Press.
Nicholls, Walter J., Miller, Byron, & Beaumont, Justin (2013). Conceptualizing the Spatialities of Social Movements. In W. Nicholls, J. Beaumont, & B. Miller (Eds.), Spaces of Contention: Places, Scales, and Networks of Social Movement. Ashgate.
- Nicholls, Walter J., & Vermeulen, Floris (2012). Rights through the City: The Role of the City for Immigrant Rights Movements. In M.P. Smith & M. McQuarrie (Eds.), Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City. New Brunswick: Transactions Publishers.
Commentaries and Encyclopedia Entries
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2018). Southern Cities in the United States: Cracking the Black Box. Introduction to Virtual Issue, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2016). The Coalition that Can Win. Essay in Jacobin.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2016). The Worst and Best of Times: Contrasting Strategies of the Immigrant Rights Movement, 2000-2014. Essay in Mobilizing Ideas.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2015). The Politics of Regional Development. Territory, Politics, Governance, 3(3), 227-234.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2012). Undocumented and Unafraid: Undocumented Youths and the DREAMers’ Movement. In I. Ness (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Nicholls, Walter J. (2010). The Los Angeles School. In R. Beauregard & R. Hutchinson (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. New York: Sage.